Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Exeter government budget

Surprise. Crony Town Ruler, Russ “100k” Dean, has proposed an initial budget of $17 million. This is a 3% increase compared to last year. (Mind you, it does not involve any of the upcoming gigantic warrant articles, so total Exeter government spending is much higher.) 

What is Dean’s reasoning? Well, the government spent a lot last year, so they must spend more money this year. That is bureaucracy: not looking to minimize costs, just increase taxation. A company that goes over budget goes out of business. Not so in government; instead, the hapless taxpayer gets further mulcted. 

Of course, some people think this is too high, so maybe (read: maybe) the increase will be “only,” say, 1.5%. People call that a compromise. Those people are absolutely wrong because it does not compromise with people who want to cut the budget by 3%, or 10%, or 100%. Reducing the rate of increase still results in higher taxes and spending. It is a compromise among only the government bureaucrats who have to wait a little longer to see their paychecks rise. 

Instead, cut, cut, cut. Cut Dean’s salary to zero. Fire half (or all) of the EPD. Eliminate any benefits for selectmen. Sell off all the town government land. Let people compete to provide “government services” (or, in reality, government disservice). 

Currently, public “servants” are misnamed.

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