Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Can police be replaced by flashlights?

With Crony Dan Chartrand beautifying downtown with new sidewalks, police are all over the police doing one of the things they do best: standing around. Their tax-funded cars are doing the brunt of the work, i.e., flashing lights to indicate a construction zone. Police are there as a make-work job to keep them getting paid.

Now, does this mean that I want the police to stop being at construction zones and to start doing "more important" things? No way! When they are wasting taxpayers money at a construction zone, they are less likely to be wasting taxpayer money loitering on private property waiting to give unassuming drivers tickets for being naughty.

Yet, the real solution would be to abolish the police altogether. We'd be a safer, richer, and more peaceful society.

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