Thursday, August 11, 2016

Another stop sign!

Some hearsay complaints, and the busybodies will further strangulate traffic flow. (Have you crawled along Water St. recently?)

Note a few things:

1. The local complainer's comment that "it is only a matter of time" before an accident occurs. I can't remember the last time there was an accident there. That there hasn't been suggests that there is no need for a stop sign. This is mini-Mussolini fear mongering.

2.Chief Shupe comments that cars blow by at 49 mph. I'd like to know how many cars (as a percentage) that is. My hunch is that it's very few, and that that's the maximum number, and that it's at off peak times. It is not a good metric.

3. Stratham cop mentions the school bus stop in the typical "Think of the children!" screeching. 

4."Educational enforcement" means a warning as long as you sufficiently grovel at the EPD SUV. Eventually, of course, it will be another place for EPD SUVs to loiter and issue tickets for rolling through.

5. Even if the carnage they warn about comes to fruition, a yield sign is only the proximate cause. The real problem is road socialism: government has a monopoly of road production, and like any monopoly, it leads to low quality, high prices products. It's time for an alternative approach.

The tentacles of the Exeter government continue to tighten their grip. As I noted before, as signage increases, liberty decreases. More and more is commanded by government, and less is left for individual volition.

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