Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Portsmouth gun persecution

Another overreach by Portsmouth PD. First, they violate the rights of at least 250 people in order to arrest 3. This is a strike rate of 1.2%. It’s actually even worse because only 1 was arrested for DWI. The real strike rate is 0.4%. This is not worth the police state.

Now they go even further and hassle someone carrying a pellet gun. According to the report, “the driver was initially asked if had a license to carry a concealed weapon.” Of course, a c.c. permit is necessary to carry an loaded gun:

159:4Carrying Without License. – No person shall carry a loaded pistol or revolver in any vehicle or concealed upon his person, except in his dwelling, house or place of business, without a valid license therefor as hereinafter provided. A loaded pistol or revolver shall include any pistol or revolver with a magazine, cylinder, chamber or clip in which there are loaded cartridges. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall, for the first such offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor. For the second and for each subsequent violation of the provisions of this section, such person shall be guilty of a class B felony, provided such second or subsequent violation has occurred within 7 years of the previous conviction.

Was the driver first asked if the gun was loaded?  Does PPD know gun laws for us taxpayers?

The real scary quote by Sgt. David Colby: “This could definitely get you shot.” First, note the passive voice. What he really means is that a cop might shoot you in error for this. And, the implication is that the victim would be to blame. It’s the victim’s fault for not storing the gun “properly,” and the police is excused from punishment because he was in fear of his life.

Why is any of this taking place at a “sobriety checkpoint” anyway? Obviously these checkpoints are just ways for the police to snoop around your car and interrogate you. This is not what a free society looks like.

My feeling about this is that if a cop is not up to the task of discerning between real and fake and places the burden on the gun owner, then he shouldn’t take the tax-funded job in the first place.

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