Friday, October 28, 2016

Rose Farm development

Fascinating. A very vocal contingent has formed to oppose the Rose Farm condos that are being proposed. I wonder how many of these people support all the downtown beautifying projects that are going on? Or is it just a “not in my backyard” response?

My own view has been clear: the Exeter government has caused the overgrowth of the town in the name of increasing tax revenue and continues to do so. This would be just another example of it. I can picture Darren "Aroma Joe" Winham’s wide-eyed face at the prospect of all the new customers to this mini-Portsmouth.

At, the same time, however, private property owners should do what they please on their own property. The real conflict comes over the allegedly “public” property: the rivers, the roads, the forests. Who owns them? In practice, it is the government rulers, and they get to decide who gets to use it based on their own political machinations. This is a conflict created by government to enrich government. In truth, the homesteaders and taxpayers own the “public” property, and once ownership is ceded to them, individuals can sort out how to deal with it voluntarily.

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