Friday, September 18, 2015

Police consume their own

After a cop exerted "undue influence" over some lady to get her inheritance, another one told the local paper about it and was accused of "malfeasance" for discussing the situation. The whistleblower resigned so that he could speak freely. Hilarious and telling.

First, I'm "undue influence" is a crime unless there is actual force or fraud involved. Pestering someone, for example, is not a crime per se.

Second, free speech does not extend to private businesses and jobs. If I hire you on the condition that you don’t write about your political opinions, I am perfectly free to fire you for doing so. However, the police is a government entity and, as such, most certainly can not make such demands. (Incidentally, for the same reason, gag orders by government courts are illegitimate.) Third, a good outcome of this story is that it demonstrates quite clearly the corruption of the Portsmouth PD, both how they consider themselves above the law and how they protect their own. Corrupt cops are bred in an inherently bad system. It's not "just a few bad apples." The good ones are the “rats” and “whistleblowers” who have the surprising capacity to treat the boys in blue the same as us peons.

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