Monday, January 4, 2016

Drinking age

Prohibition doesn't work, unless you're Al Capone. Teens' drinking has gotten worse and more reckless

So, good for Abramson and Cushing. Of course police chiefs have incentive for making as many laws as possible: it justifies their increasingly bloated budgets. Of course, nobody seems to be able to say exactly why 21 is the magic number chosen by the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of '84. Why not 20? or 22? or 21.5? Such an arbitrary law means it's not a law at all in that it cannot be applied objectively and universally. Maybe the driving age should be 21 and the drinking age 18. 

Cushing had the best point: an 18 year old can be sent to a foreign land to kill and be killed, yet it's verboten for him to have a cocktail.

The text of the bill is here.

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