Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Guilt until proven innocence

There are a lot of bills lurking in the state legislature, some good, many bad. A recent opiner opposes HB512, which would make make gun confiscation more burdensome for the agents of the state.

The letter-to-the-editor above is completely off base. He starts:
[HB512] is another attempt to get around the supposed burden of applying for a concealed carry permit.
First, this is not at all what it is. It is a bill that restricts and/or penalizes gun confiscation. Maybe I missed an amendment, but I see nothing about CC permits. This is a complete straw man. And, even after setting up a straw-man, the author does nothing but make assertions about the efficacy of the current gun laws and how "we are rapidly moving toward the same situation they have in Afghanistan." I didn't realize that Maggie Hassan's veto was the only thing standing in the way of New Hampshire turning into Afghanistan.

He goes on to talk about his wonderful experience in acquiring his own permit. (I gather that he is trying to imply that because he has a permit, his opinion is somehow more credible than others.) I have one question for this person: should a person be presumed innocent until proven guilty, or not? If he adhere to this principle, you must apply it universally.

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