Friday, June 24, 2016

Cop Sighting and more acronyms

Is the new "POP" officer the reason why there was an EPD SUV parked on Oak St. at 11:30 on Thursday (6/23)? This position "requires police to be proactive in identifying underlying problems which can be targeted to reduce crime and disorder at their roots." Here are some questions that address the roots of problems:
  1.  Why does the war on drugs continue to punish nonviolent crimes?
  2. Doesn't the war on drugs breed the violence, as drug "markets" are forced to take "security" and other business into their own hands?
  3. Why do drivers on government roads--which are breeding grounds for congestion, stress and anger, and damage to private property (car repairs)--continue to be surveilled by EPD SUVs?
  4. Why is the EPD budget several millions of dollars when state cops and the sheriffs dept. still have to come to investigate any major crime and even to direct traffic?
  5. Should the role of police be to (allegedly) "keep us safe" or "protect and serve"?
  6. Why do detectives use the "company" car" to get their dry cleaning?

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