Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sign proliferation: Amtrak edition

Did you know that Exeter is an "Amtrak served community"? These signs are located on every road entering Exeter. I noticed the one on Epping Rd. a while back, but now they're everywhere. What is the purpose of these signs?

First, let's point out that the Amtrak Downeaster is terrible. Here's the current (as of 9/7/17) notice: 
Modified Downeaster Service- September 10th and 11th
Due to the MBTA’s Merrimack River Bridge Construction Project, Amtrak Downeaster Trains will operate between Brunswick, ME and Haverhill, MA ONLY. Ticketed passengers travelling [sic] to/ from Boston North Station will be transported via motor coach for the Haverhill-Boston segment of the trip. There will be NO service to/from Woburn.
How convenient. Even when they are running, there are only five round trips per day. Compare that with, say, CJ bus, which operates virtually around the clock. And, further, they can't even run those trains on time. Maybe the signs should read "Amtrak torn community." 

So, again, what is the purpose of these signs? Is it just make-work, tax-funded jobs? Is Darren Winham's "encouragement" of business? Is it to promote the buying of expensive, high-tax Exeter homes? 

As I claimed before, more signs indicate more control and less freedom.

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