Friday, September 9, 2016

Small victory over town ruler

I admit: I was cheering on the detractors of the crony town hall deal.

Personally, I think that bureaucrats and their cronies deserve vitriol and not civil discourse. I can be perfectly polite with the man on the street who agrees with them, but the man on the street is not the one engaging in back-door shenanigans.

Darren Winham (with his $80k+ salary--not including benefits), in his perpetual quest to turn Exeter into Portsmouth, has no intention of listening to the demands of Exeter's residents. If he did, he would resign and recognize that entrepreneurs respond to consumer demands through market prices. No top-down direction is necessary.  Unless his real goal, unwittingly or not, is simply to raise "revenue" for the town government, i.e., to increase the tax coffers...

The best quote: "Why was this kept so secret?" Answer: pipe down, Citizen, you have no role in molding society. Just appear at the official sacrament of voting in March.

The underlying question: who owns the town hall? Is it Darren Winham? Is it the Chamber of Commerce? It's nobody and everybody--"we" all own it. Or, is it the hapless taxpayers, who are continually mulcted of their earnings? With private property, no such conflict would arise.

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